Human Rights Statement
At Con Edison, we are committed to protecting and advancing the human rights of all people. We conduct our business in a manner that is ethical, respectful, and in compliance with all applicable laws. We continue to accelerate progress on diversity, inclusiveness, and overall greater social equity through the work of our Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Executive DEI Council, DEI Taskforce, and other DEI champions throughout the company. Anchored in our core values and beliefs, this Human Rights statement is an affirmation of our company's pledge to uphold the human rights of our employees, customers, and communities. We expect all our stakeholders to demonstrate adherence to these principles.
Con Edison is committed to protecting international human rights as identified in the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We support the principles contained within the International Bill of Human Rights, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
Con Edison seeks to establish and maintain relationships only with entities that uphold our principles and values. Our responsibility to respect human rights extends beyond our direct operations into our supply chains. This Human Rights Statement builds on our employee Standards of Business Conduct, our policies on Equal Employment Opportunity, Sexual Harassment, and Employment of veterans and People with disabilities, and our Vendor Standards of Business Conduct within our legal contract documents. Human rights violations by a supplier or partner will be addressed by our company with the goal of adopting corrective measures and, in cases in which such measures are not taken, the company reserves the right to discontinue or reconsider the respective commercial relationship.
It is our mission to establish and maintain a workplace that respects each individual and promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion. Con Edison recognizes that it is of utmost importance to:
- Uphold human and workplace rights in our operations
- Foster a safe and healthy work environment for all employees and contractors
- Treat employees and contractors fairly, respectfully, and without discrimination
- Have a work environment free of violence, intimidation, and harassment
- Respect our employees’ right to join, form, or not to join or form a labor union without fear of reprisal
- Prohibit the use of child labor, forced labor, and any form of human trafficking
- Comply with working hours, wages, and benefits set by local laws and regulations
- Provide employees with equal opportunities for jobs, skill training, and promotions
Communities and Stakeholders
Con Edison seeks to engage a broad range of perspectives and voices to help us to better understand the needs and expectations of our stakeholders. Through collaboration, we strive to deliver better outcomes that strengthen our community engagement while also building trust with the communities in which we serve.
Suppliers and Partners
We expect our suppliers, vendors, and partners to respect and uphold the human rights of all workers and contractors.
Employees, suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders can report any concerns regarding human rights by contacting our Ethics Helpline by email or phone at 1-855-FOR-ETHX (1-855-367-3849).